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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Caletti Comes Through

You know how there are some books you read that change your life? Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Deb Caletti was one of those books for me. When I was in Graduate School for Library Science, I figured that I would become either a Science Librarian or a Children's Librarian. I loved, loved, loved Children's Literature. But, life is funny like that. Long story short, I ended up working as a High School Librarian, and one of the first young adult books I remember reading was Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Caletti. I adored it. I felt like I had discovered a whole new world. I know, that sounds all dramatic and cheesey, but it's true. And so my love affair with YA Lit was born.

Since then, I have found other authors and books, but I never forgot Deb Caletti. Stay was published this past Spring, and I finally got around to reading it. My verdict? Excellent! Stay examines a relationship gone bad due to obsession, and addresses some very serious situations and issues. The main character, Clara is portrayed in an extremely realistic fashion, flaws and all. I like that Caletti does not try to give this book a neat, tidy ending, nor does she try to make her characters perfect. If anyone has ever questioned a bad relationship they find themselves in, this book could be an invaluable read.