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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Showing my Age

Well my friends, I tried. OK, I'm still trying, but it's killing me. I just read the third Fruits Baskets and I'm so sorry, but I didn't love it. I feel like the series is getting old for me already. It's the same story, just retold a little bit differently. And this is going to go on for 23 volumes? Seriously. Yikes. Maybe you have to be of a certain age to appreciate this series, and I am just too old. I don't know. I may try Volume 4 eventually, but I think I'm going to take a break.

...And then there's Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer by John Grisham. Really? This is what everyone has been raving about? I just don't get it. It was OK, but I definitely did not love it. Again, maybe it was a little too young for me. All I know is there is a major cliffhanger ending, and I have no urgency to read the next book. It seemed so unrealistic and at times, downright silly (and not like funny, ha). That's right. I'm calling it unrealistic. Yeah, this from the girl who loves paranormal stories. When I was reading this, I was strongly reminded of one of my childhood heroes, Encyclopedia Brown. And Theodore Boone, I''m sorry, but you're no Encyclopedia Brown.   

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