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Monday, February 28, 2011

Bait & Switch

So...I wanted to fit one more entry in for the month of February, but I have been such a slacker with my reading that I only have one new book to discuss....but I would like to discuss several book-related topics, hence the bait & switch. Here we go. I finally watched the movie adaptation Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I originally posted about this back in February 2010 (Yikes!). I can't believe it took me that long to see it. Anyway, long story short; I liked it. As a movie. As an adaptation, it fell pretty short, but what are you going to do? I wonder if they're planning a sequel. Does anyone know?

And, speaking of the end of February/beginning of March, I'm putting together a display for the Main Level of the library entitled, Marching Towards Destruction: Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic Novels. Whew-that's a mouthful. But, there are some fantastic Young Adult novels in this genre, and it seemed like a fun way to highlight them, so make sure you check it out (before the world ends, hurry 2012 is coming)!

Last but not least, I did finish The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis. I hate to say it, but while there were parts of it I liked,  I didn't love it. I think I just wasn't crazy about the writing style, the exaggerations and tall-tales. Or maybe I'm just not used to reading books geared towards younger readers. The next selection for the Middle School Book Club is The Last Wolf of Ireland by Elona Malterre. I'll make sure I read it well before our meeting date on March 17th!

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