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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Opening Day Fever!

It's official. I love Michael Lewis. Who, you might ask? Michael Lewis, the genius author of The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, Moneyball: the Art of Winning an Unfair Game and several other titles which I am sure are amazing. I finally read Moneyball, it had been on my "to-read" list since I read The Blind Side a few years ago and loved it. Now, I am a big sports fan, and loyal to my hometown teams, win or lose, but I'm nowhere near a sports fanatic or expert. I was a little apprehensive about reading The Blind Side, but Lewis made it painless to read and understand more about the game of football, without being didactic and boring. Moneyball did the same for baseball. It was fascinating to get a look at the back end of baseball. The scouting, coaching, wheeling & dealing, trading, even the statistics. There were a few times in the book where the sections on statistics almost got the better of me, but they were peppered with stories and anecdotes that kept me reading.

Moneyball focuses on the story of the Oakland A's and their GM Billy Beane. Love or hate him & his methods, they are fascinating to read about. The Oakland A's became one of the best teams in baseball with one of the lowest payrolls, and this book examines this phenomenon in great detail. Moneyball is also being made into a movie starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill. If the pre-season isn't enough for you, pick up this book and read it while you're waiting for Opening Day. GO SOX!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Reba - Thanks for the review. I will be reading these! Kara