I'm super excited to have a blog where you can read my opinions and recommendations for books. Tell me what you think! You can leave comments here, or email me at rtierney@bostonma.gov. Either way, I'll respond back to you soon!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Caught Red-Handed

Rats! Erin so called my bluff. In my post-Memorial Day post, I only commented on one of the two books that I vowed to read over the weekend. I went on and on about The Snakehead hoping that no one would notice I didn't review Chime. Well, there was a reason for it. Despite my best intentions, I didn't finish Chime over the weekend. But, that's all in the past and I have finally finished it and I am ready to comment.

(Great cover, hm?) Simply put, I really liked it. I may have even loved it. It's the kind of story that's hard to describe, but it was so beautifully written. At times it read like a fantasy, at times like a mystery, and at times like a novel with paranormal themes and a touch of romance. The main character Briony is hiding a terrible secret. She knows she's a witch and that she caused her Stepmother's death and serious injuries to her twin sister. Now, there's someone new in town, and he is determined to look below the beautiful exterior and learn about the real Briony. Trouble is, who is the real Briony, and will it mean her death if that is revealed? You'll have to read this book to find out!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great review...nice to have a guest reviewer!