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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dark Tide

Back to non-fiction for me. I know, I'm amazed as you are! Anyway, I finally read Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 by Stephen Puleo. This is another book that had been on my "to read list" for years, and I'm so glad that I have now read it. It really was a great book. Rich in historical detail, but sprinkled with enough story and narrative to keep the story moving. It reminded me a lot of the Dennis Lehane novel, The Given Day, primarily because they covered the same tumultuous time period in Boston. I find it so interesting to read different author's perspectives of the same series of events. Another interesting storyline that stood out for me related to immigration, especially the history and treatment of the Sicilian Italians. I couldn't help but to draw parallels to their treatment and the treatment of the Chinese as described in The Snakehead.

Any and everyone living in or near Boston should be required to read this book. It's an incredibly well-told story and an invaluable look at the structure and history of Boston. Reba definitely recommends!! 

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