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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wicked Lies

Oh Sara Shepard, you've done it again. Dragged me right back in to the drama of Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily. It's crazy, silly, melodramatic, and I'm embarrassed that I can't get enough. I just finished Wicked (Pretty Little Liars #5). I've heard through the Grapevine that Ms. Shepard should have left well enough alone, and not added four more books to her previous series of eight. I guess now I have seven more books to read and not three. I feel like I'm in for a penny, in for a pound, so I'll read them, but I'm not really happy about it. I hate it when a series drags on for too long, and I feel like now, this series is just being milked for the money it can make, not for the quality of the writing. I know that I shouldn't be too hasty to judge, so I'll reserve any harsh comments or criticism and hope to continue to be pleasantly surprised by this series. Maybe when I'm done, I'll go back and watch the TV Series.....


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of books, which I also don't like, but I love them so much I think it's worth it! There's a lot of suspence and you never know what will happen next. I just finished Twisted(#9) and I can't wait for the rest of the books to come out!

Anonymous said...

After I read the books, I started watching the TV show. I like the show a lot, but it's really different from the books. I prefer the books to the show, but they are both good.