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Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Mysterious....

I love a good mystery. I watched Murder She Wrote religiously (I still love watching repeats!) and I got hooked on Nancy Drew, Encyclopedia Brown, The Three Investigators, Trixie Belden, The Bobbsey Twins, Agatha Christie, you name it. If it was a mystery, I read it. So I just finished Murder at Longbourn by Tracy Kiely. This is not really a Young Adult novel, but mystery lovers of any age would enjoy this book. In case you couldn't guess by the title, it was Inspired by Pride and Prejudice. The two main characters, Elizabeth and her Aunt Winnie are big Jane Austen fans. Aunt Winnie has just opened a B&B on the Cape and is hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner for New Year's Eve. Well, you guessed it. Instead of the staged murder by a troupe of professional actors, a guest at the party is really killed. What follows is a super fun mash-up of traditional whodunit featuring the usual suspects, with a dash of literary references thrown in for good measure. While there is nothing new or mind-blowing about this book, it's a fun read for fans of mystery.

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