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Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Indeed

OK, Mother Nature. You win. You are the Queen of April Fools jokes. Snow, again? Really? Boo! I'm so ready for Spring! OK, enough about the weather. Let's talk about Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce. I finally finished it!! (Great cover, hm?)

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I loved the March sisters, Rosie & Scarlett (the 2 main characters). They were feisty, strong heroines, but portrayed very realistically, struggling with feelings of guilt, loss, fear and love. In this retelling of Red Riding Hood, the wolves are called Fenris, and can cloak themselves as attractive men, the easier to lure young, unsuspecting girls in with charm and good looks. Rosie & Scarlett excel at pretending to be these young, unsuspecting girls, and once cornered, turn into fierce warriors. There is a lot of violence and fighting, but fear not, there is also some love and romance. There is one big plot twist, and I don't like to brag, but I totally guessed what it was. Go me! I don't want to say too much more, of give anything away, but if you like fast-paced adventure books with great characters, you will love this!

P.S.- I almost forgot-library shout out; A major part of the book was research done in the library. Hooray for libraries! Thanks Jackson Pearce!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this sounds good. i want it. and a cookie.

-the rambunctious turtle